Making it easy for Winnipeg restaurants to get online

We help you create the perfect website for your restaurant so you can sell more online

Or apply today to get a free demo

Tired of paying so much in fees and commissions for ordering platforms?

beautiful restaurant website. no hidden fees.

Food ordering platforms are eating away all of your margin?

The award-winning team of Black Cherry Digital will make sure your restaurant gets the website it deserves.

With us selling more doesn’t mean you pay more.

Own your digital presence

full control & ownership with a simple dashboard

We are here to help you with anything that you’ll need, but you also get full ownership and independence.

You can make instant changes to your menu, locations, operating hours and anything else, without waiting for customer support.

See how we can help your restaurant shine online

Did you know that 70% of consumers say they’d rather order directly from a restaurant, preferring that their money goes straight to the restaurant and not a third party?

Or apply today to get a free demo